Why Invest?
You can make a difference all year long by investing in the next generation in Ecuador, India, and Kenya.
Make a Gospel-centered investment in the life of a child in need who would not have full access to education without your loving support.
Ecuador - Provide a SmartBox
Project SmartBox is a shoebox ministry that provides educational resources, creative supplies, hygiene items, and Gospel material throughout the school year for children and teens in need.
SmartBoxes provide children living in low-income areas with creative and educational resources that will empower them to study continually, inspire their hearts to dream beyond their poverty, and to know their God-given purpose. And every SmartBox contains a Gospel message!
Sponsor a Child from India or Kenya
For years, we have partnered with organizations in Kenya and India to sponsor children that need education, food, clothing, supplies, and medications. Through the generous support of many, we have been able to get hundreds of children sponsored!
There are still children in need of sponsors. You can change a life today!
Sponsor a child in need today!
Sponsor Business Training in India
You can sponsor a single woman in need of hope for the future!
Business training sponsorship will provide six months of training in various business skills, such as basic literacy and accounting. The ladies will also receive a small stipend throughout the program so that they can continue to support their families!